To access the CopyPaste Utilies menu turn on the item with the same name in the CopyPaste preferences. The CopyPaste Utilities submenu will then be located in the Edit menu of every program. If you highlight a word in your application and choose UPPERCASE from the CopyPaste Utilities menu, then CopyPaste copies the word into the clipboard, makes the word all uppercase and then replaces the highlighted text with the new uppercase text.
If you need one function several times, you can type command + c + e (execute) to repeat the last utilty used. The last utility you used is marked with a checkmark in the menu. The utilities are almost identical with those you find in the Clipboard Viewer. The functions from the CopyPaste Utilities use the regular clipboard and change its content. The regular clipboard is copied into with command c or command c 0 (so we sometimes refer to the regular clipboard as clip 0). Clipboards 1 thru 9 are untouched by the utilities.
Please refer to the next sections in this online help for more details about the utilities